How to Speed Up Geth syncing?

Every time when you start the new geth node (not only new), it needs a time while the node Looking for peers and start to pull and broadcast new blocks



INFO [12-02|15:36:34.825] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=3 static=0

INFO [12-02|15:37:04.838] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=5 static=0


INFO [12-02|15:37:14.842] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=6 static=0
INFO [12-02|15:37:24.848] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=4 static=0

INFO [12-02|15:37:34.854] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=4 static=0

INFO [12-02|15:37:54.855] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=4 static=0


Add new peers from manually:

Require enabled key: --http.api admin when running geth

git clone

cd geth-sync-tools

./ nodes.txt http://$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}'):8545

Check actual peers number:

Require enabled key: --http.api net when running geth

docker run --rm -it ethereum/client-go --exec "net.peerCount" attach http://$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}'):8545